Avances e resultados de diferentes investigacións.

Estudos, exposicións, publicacións e proxectos especiais

Cartografía da violencia
Xeografía galega da violencia do Golpe de 1936, da Guerra e da retagarda

The Delegated Prosecutor for Human Rights opens proceedings in the grave of Vilacova (Lousame), thanks to the actions of the Democratic Memory Plan.
In a coordinated effort with the Human Rights and Democratic Memory Unit of the State Attorney General's Office, for the first time this type of investigative and procedural proceedings are being carried out.

Weavers of Memory: Unearthing Life Stories from Francoist Graves in Galicia (2021-2024)
Uxía Otero González and Conchi López Sánchez, PhDs in Contemporary History and part of the HISTAGRA research group were invited by the Mariña Social Forum to talk about the Democratic Memory Plan (DMP, 2021-2024) from a gender perspective.

Inauguration of the first Democratic Memory totem in the Vilagarcía de Arousa cemetery
With the collaboration of Vilagarcía City Council and O Faiado da Memoria, we placed the first of the pieces, designed by Uqui Permui, which will be in charge of collecting the testimony of the memorialisation of the I Four-Year Democratic Memory Plan in all the graves intervened.